Training and Coaching


This entitles UWAAC Senior registered athletes* (aged 11 years, in the current year, and over and their coaches (UWAAC recommended and non UWAAC Coaches) to access the UWA Sports Park (McGillivray Oval) athletics track for the year during the allocated club training times (below).

The below outlines the training and coaching policy that UWAAC members, non members and coaches must adhere to. 

Please note this is access to the UWA athletics track, the club does not offer training and coaching, this is not included in your membership fees. If you need to find a coach you can refer to the suggested coaches names below.


Equipment is NOT to be taken from the shed and used in non club booking times.

Club equipment is available for hire. Please contact the club at

Only UWAAC members are permitted access to the training equipment in the shed located at the west end of the oval (unless there has been a prior arrangement- this includes hiring of the equipment). This equipment is provided for use by UWAAC and is expected that what is used is returned the way it is found and where it is found. For further information, please contact the club.


The Club has set booking times for its members to use McGillivray Oval. These are listed below.

October - April (summer)

Monday 4.00 – 6.30pm
Wednesday 4.00 – 6.30pm
Saturday On request. Please contact the club.


May - September (winter)

Monday 4.00 – 6.30pm
Friday 4.00 – 6.30pm



  • McGillivray Oval is not a public facility and UWAAC membership fees assist in covering the extensive cost of booking the facility all year round for our members.
  • If signage is up in lanes one and two, these are NOT TO BE USED.
  • Should a coach be a UWAAC recommended coach, the club requires that majority (this can be up to 90%) of their athletes are UWAAC senior members (athletes must be turning 11, in the current year, and over to use the grounds) however, the few athletes within the UWAAC recommended coaching groups that are members from other clubs who wish to train at the UWA Sports Park (McGillivray Oval) under a UWAAC recommended coach can join as a Training Access Member through the UWAAC Shop.
  • The use of the grounds is for senior UWAAC members* (athletes must be turning 11, in the current year, - this aligns to the age that athletes are permitted to join the senior club as per the Atheltics west Rule book)  and their coaches (recommended and non UWAAC coaches):
    • UWAAC Athletes* who do not have a UWAAC Coach can still use McGillivray and the equipment during booking times, with their coach. 
    • The club understands (and is supportive of all its athletes) that not all UWAAC athletes are coached by UWAAC recommended coaches and may have training partners that are not UWAAC Members. The UWAAC is here to promote the sport and as such the UWAAC Committee has some discretion and allowances in relation to the use of the grounds during the clubs bookings. This includes:
      • Should a UWAAC athlete have one (1) maximum training partner (guest*) that is a non UWAAC member and their coach is a non UWAAC coach, the Club, as stated will have some discretion and allowances to this and the use of the track during club booking times. *Guests (up to one non UWA member per UWA member)will be permitted.
      • A UWA member guest can use McGillivray oval as a guest on one occassion. After this they must pay the grounds fees, these can be purchased via this link.
  • Other sports, squads, athletes or coaches (groups) with no UWAAC members must have an official bookings through UWA Sport and Recreation to use McGillivray. The use of McGillivray during the clubs booking times by these 'groups' is not permitted and they will be asked to respect the clubs bookings and use the alternative ovals that are available next to McGillivray track.
  • UWA Little Athletics members are not permitted to train during senior club booking times and Senior UWAAC members are not to use the track on UWA Little Athletics booking nights.
  • Should an athlete be younger than the allowable age to join UWAAC senior club, we have a Little Athletics Club available. Please Click here for more information.

*UWAAC Athletes must be 11 years (turning 11 in the current year) and over to use the grounds during the senior club booking times. This is Aligned to the joining age of the senior club, which is turning 11 in the December of the current year.

The UWAAC privately book McGillivray Oval, as such the policies and the use of the track during the senior UWAAC booking times are at the discretion of the UWAAC Committee. 


We do not  offer club training.

However we do offer suggestions for coaches which provide a variety of training squads for all levels of members to choose from, most however do charge coaching fees and this is in addition to your club membership fees.

We also offer run club - see link for details.

Please note that some coaches may charge a coaching fee, this is in addition to your membership fee.


Please see below some suggested coaches. These coaches have a variety of training squads that may be suitable for your training needs. 

To join a training squad, browse the coaching profiles below to find a coach for your event and please contact them directly.

Please note some coaches charge fees and these are not covered by your UWAAC membership fee.

Sprints (100 m up to 400m)

Middle Distance 

Long jump, Tripple Jump, high jump and Sprints 

High Jump

High Jump and Long jump

Please contact the club if you are interesested in becoming a UWAAC recommended coach.

All UWAAC Coaches are adhere to the AA Accredited Athletics Coach Code of Conduct. This can be viewed here.

If you’re looking for a casual and social jogging group, then join our UWA Crawley Campus Run Club for just $10 per semester! For more info, visit our Run Club page.


Our committee are all volunteers and are passionate about the club and it is important they are treated with courtesy and respect. 

To ensure this is fully observed, we operate a Zero Tolerance policy. This means that aggressive or poor behaviour towards our volunteers will not be tolerated under any circumstances. 

Anyone giving verbal abuse, demonstraing poor behviour, or does not demonstrate the UWA Values, to our volunteers, by any means, will be sent a letter advising that this behaviour will not be tolerated. 

We feel sure that you will understand that proper behaviour is absolutely necessary for our volunteers and that non-observance will not be accepted.

