Uniforms can be purchased through the link below.
Under Athletics West competition rules, all UWAAC members must compete in the a UWA singlet or crop top and UWA shorts or briefs. You may wear plain black bottoms ONLY if we are out of stock in your required size or you are waiting for your uniforms.
For State events - this includes Relays and State Champiobships, all athletes must compete in full uniform (including shorts/briefs).
Should you not be able to purchase your size please email the club at info@uwaac.com.au to request a size. Uniforms can be exchanged if sizing is incorrect providing tags are still on and items have not been worn.
Collection Options:
Uniforms will be available for pick up the Monday following your purchase. For example if you order on Tuesday 1st October, your order will be ready on Monday 7 October.
Steps to pick up your order
1. Make your way to the Mcgillivray oval in Mt Claremont on either a Monday or Friday 4:30-6:30pm.
2. Head to the shed - see diagram below

3. All uniforms will be in the ‘UWA Shop pick up box’ in the UWA Shed. This is a plastic box with a sign on it that says, UWA shop pick up box.
4. Please look for your name on a package and collect your order.
5.Once collected please send a text to 0402 013 281
If you are unable to collect at this time, please email info@uwaac.com.au to organise another arrangement.
Womens briefs update
- For the womens new briefs these are on order and members will be notified as soon as they arrive.
- Pre orders for the briefs are now being taken.
- The club has gone to a great effort to get a new cut brief made. Please note that the UWAAC uniform is as prescribed on the UWAAC website within the UWAAC Shop. This includes the UWA branded briefs. This is a new cut only, previous club briefs can still be worn.